[ExI] punishment

Damien Broderick thespike at satx.rr.com
Mon Mar 23 23:50:01 UTC 2009

At 07:12 PM 3/23/2009 -0400, John K Clark wrote:

>just a pity that nobody offered me the job of being the one and only true
>God; I'd have beaten the crap out of that young punk Yahweh.

Yes indeed. Something I try to urge on people who revere "ancient 
teachings" and "ancient wisdom" makes the same point: Yahweh was an 
*early, primitive* god, and the wise men and women of ancient India, 
China and Greece represent *young punks offering mostly uninformed 
guesses* about almost everything they address that isn't still 
self-evident and uncontroversial. Funny how most people seem to 
think, "Hmm, cool, written 3000 years ago! that must be as deep and 
true as the teachings of a wise person who's three millennia old," 
rather than, "Hmm, cool, latest news from this century, built on the 
accumulated, tested wisdom of three millennia of clever people 
abandoning stupid or mistaken notions one after another."

Damien Broderick

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