[ExI] Google improves search results

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 19:36:04 UTC 2009

Trying to better Wolfram already?

Announced here:

More and better search refinements
Starting today, we're deploying a new technology that can better
understand associations and concepts related to your search, and one
of its first applications lets us offer you even more useful related
searches (the terms found at the bottom, and sometimes at the top, of
the search results page).

For example, if you search for [principles of physics], our algorithms
understand that "angular momentum," "special relativity," "big bang"
and "quantum mechanic" are related terms that could help you find what
you need.

Longer snippets
When you do a search on Google, each result we give you starts with a
dark blue title and is followed by a few lines of text (what we call a
"snippet"), which together give you an idea of what each page is
about. To give more context, the snippet shows how the words of your
query appear on the page by highlighting them in bold.

When you enter a longer query, with more than three words,
regular-length snippets may not give you enough information and
context. In these situations, we now increase the number of lines in
the snippet to provide more information and show more of the words you
typed in the context of the page.

A good test to see the effect is to do two searches in two tabs and
compare the results, side by side.

Search for
earth's rotation axis
earth's rotation axis tilt and distance from sun


Looks like a good improvement to me.  :)


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