[ExI] Worshiping that Divine Blowhard.
John K Clark
jonkc at bellsouth.net
Mon Mar 30 15:56:04 UTC 2009
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Corbin" <lcorbin at rawbw.com>
To: "ExI chat list" <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ExI] Worshiping that Divine Blowhard.
> John Clark writes
>> "Lee Corbin"
>>> If God exists, he is not good (and, as you know,
>>> if God is good, then he does not exist).
>> Yes indeed, and because of that in a way I have more respect for the
>> fundamentalist anti Darwin crowd than the so called religious moderates.
> Yes! That's always been my feeling too. Moreover, I sense that
> at a deep fundamental level the fundamentalists (sorry) and I
> are philosophically aligned as complete realists, in a way that
> many moderates are not. You don't hear fundamentalists saying
> "Well, you have your truth and I have mine", or "God can be
> many things to many people" and crap like that. They say,
> Whereas I says, "I'M TOTALLY SURE THAT THERE ISN'T ONE", though I,
> at least, do admit that 100% certainty about anything cannot be
> achieved (even this sentence), because as we devotees of Pan-
> Critical Rationalism believe, *all* knowledge is conjectural,
> provisional, and tentative.
>> The moderates love to say that there is no discrepancy between religion
>> and
>> Darwin's Theory of Evolution. They say that a modern logical freethinking
>> man should be able to believe in both;
> Right.
>> but the fundamentalists can sense the truth, they know that a more
>> hideously
> > cruel method of developing higher life forms can not be imagined.
> There you are dead wrong. I can easily imagine a far, far
> more cruel world. What if every amoeba, every plant, and
> every animal had the capacity to suffer as much as we do?
> Now *that* would be a *lot* closer to total hell (though
> it's still easy, for me at least, to imagine far worse
> than that). You can too. Just try.
> Lee
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