[ExI] The Circle of Coercion

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sat May 9 10:45:13 UTC 2009

On 5/9/09, painlord2k wrote:
>  The fact they sign a written contract is important as they explicitly
> accept a limited set of duties and receive a limited set of claims.
>  In your case, the contract say something, but you are bound from the laws
> written before and after you accepted the contract by someone else with or
> without your agreement.
>  The main problem is that would be difficult to implement a single contract
> stating all and any duty and claim of any and all citizens.
>  The main contract would state some basic rules and the penalties associated
> for breaking them. Something like "Don't kill", "Don't steal", etc. Then
> other contracts would rule other matters.

These libs do love their contracts, don't they?

Everybody is expected to have a filing cabinet full of contracts
relating to every person, company, club, council, government office,
etc. that they deal with. And they all have to checked that they are
still up-to-date and valid.

And among these hundreds of contracts, they have to check carefully
that no contract has terms that contradict the terms in any other
contract. Then they have to worry about precedence. Which contract can
override less important contracts?
And perhaps, unknowingly, their contracts conflict with someone else's
And all the contract conflicts for the population have to be fought
out in court.

And, of course, you have to be able to read and write to sign a contract.
The US has about 99% literacy. But that 1% is still 3 million people.
Many countries are below the 70% literacy level.

What they need is a government organization to process and record all
the contracts for all the population. Like the DMV, but much, much
larger and more bureaucratic.


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