[ExI] Once again: Some vitamins don't help in large doses

Dan dan_ust at yahoo.com
Mon May 18 21:34:04 UTC 2009

--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Michael LaTorra <mlatorra at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Why don't you do as you said and read the
> specifics of the research, then get back to me? 

I hope to soon, but, again, I'm wondering why _you_ haven't read the specifics of the research.  Does it bother you that you don't know the details here?  I expect someone who touts an "evidenced-based" approach would actually practice it.

A couple of questions I hope you won't ignore:

1.  How did you conclude from the article -- not the study, which you admit you haven't read -- that this was regarding "large doses"?  (The article mentioned "moderate doses.")

2.  How were you able to tell -- again, from the article -- exactly what was meant by the dosage levels?  (Aside from "moderate doses," the article mentions no specific dosage.  There was no remark like "500 mg of vitamin C daily for twelve weeks" -- or, if there was, I completely missed it.:)




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