[ExI] Myostatin-inhibitor patron

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Tue May 26 21:06:50 UTC 2009

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:43 PM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/26/09, Bryan Bishop wrote:
>> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:00 PM, BillK wrote:
>>  > If you don't have all the legally required animal testing licenses,
>>  > premises inspections, animal care permits, etc. then what you are
>>  > doing is torturing animals for a hobby.
> But what value do you think such research will have?
> 'Here, take these pills. A friend of mine fed them to some rabbits in
> Indonesia and they seemed to be stronger than usual'.  Really???

That's a reasonable question. What value will all this research have?
Since, clearly, it will not be eligible to become a commercial
interest without a lot of lawyering that I do not want to bother
considering. So, no commercial value. Not much academic value either
because honestly nobody in their right mind would cite the research if
it for some reason became published in an academic journal. But
becoming published in a journal isn't the goal anyway, so somebody
citing it or somehow using it in a formal academic manner isn't likely
either, or is certainly not intended. Note, however, that
repeatability is of course an important aspect of any project that I
carry out. In particular, the instruction and project management
system that I have been working on (the one that mimics debian's apt
system but for hardware, protocols, etc.) will be tested out as to
whether or not it can sufficiently represent and express (instructions
to) the experiment in an efficient, repeatable manner.

The point is not academic. It is not commercial. It's .. maybe,
extropic? What would the result be if, say, after a handful of
milligrams of rhizosecretion or latex extract (after centrifuging) are
extracted and electrophoresed, and it's confirmed by SDS-PAGE or HLPC
or an equivalent process that the myostatin inhibitors are actually
being made? One method of confirmation includes myocyte tissue
cultures. Another includes mice and adding it as a supplement to the
diet (note that I am not considering gut interactions at the moment
because they are extraneous to the conversation). Another method of
testing might be a binding assay, but one step at a time please.
Confirmation of the success of the experiment- depending on what a
patron is interested in seeing through- might mean whether or not the
myostatin inhibitors are produced by the plants, or whether or not the
mice inflate into raging hulks and take over the world. Whether or not
you're interested in this sort of success is up to you.

- Bryan
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