[ExI] national geographic, was Re: Religions and violence

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 06:39:35 UTC 2010

I remember looking at NatGeo pictures of African women as my mom
looked over my shoulder and said, "that's why women must wear their

John  ; )

On 8/12/10, Gregory Jones <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> --- On Thu, 8/12/10, Gregory Jones <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>>...I may have taken a page or three out of the library copy of National
>> Geographic from time to time in my misspent youth...
> ...but I didn't take those pages out of the Gospel of Mary, it was already
> like that when I got here, but I did see both Fred and Keith hanging out at
> the library about the time those pages went missing, and of couse Mary was a
> sporting lass (thus the nickname "Virgin") and Keith and Fred were both
> friends of hers dontcha know, until she turned up pregnant, at which time
> they were nowhere to be found.
> To belabor a point(less) on National Geographic, they did more to tear down
> racial prejudice than any other factor.  It wasn't Martin Luther King, Jesse
> Jackson or Frank George Pinkston, it was NatGeo.  Why do you suppose America
> lost its collective mind when a 40 something woman flashed one boob for one
> second in a "wardrobe malfunction" at the superbowl a few years ago?  She
> reminded us of our first sexual fantasy.
> spike

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