[ExI] Religions and violence.

samantha sjatkins at mac.com
Thu Aug 19 03:17:57 UTC 2010

Jebadiah Moore wrote:
> 2010/8/18 Mirco Romanato <painlord2k at libero.it 
> <mailto:painlord2k at libero.it>>
>     Feel and religion are not the source of Natural Law.
> If you believe in natural law, you believe that natural law comes from 
> nature (and thus if you're religious probably from God).  But if you 
> don't believe in natural law, which I don't, you can still try to 
> figure out where the belief in natural law comes from.  I think that 
> the belief in natural law is sourced primarily in the belief in religions.
To be more precise, naturals come from the actual nature of the beings 
involved.  In other words they are based in reality.  I don't think 
reality requires God.   If in reality human beings have certain critical 
characteristics dictating that they best interact with one another (the 
only domain of rights) in certain ways and not others then these are 
rights inherent to their nature.  It will be difficult to claim that 
human beings have no particular nature in reality that is relevant to 
the proper way for them to act towards one another. 

- samantha

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