[ExI] google buzz

Emlyn emlynoregan at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 01:27:57 UTC 2010

On 11 February 2010 11:53, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2/11/10, Emlyn wrote:
>>  I'm trolling for contacts on Google Buzz. Any gmailers want to put
>>  their hands up as buzzers / potential buzzers?
> The best way is to look in your contacts list, or on exi-chat, for
> gmail addresses, then set your Buzz to 'Follow' those you would like
> to hear from.

Yeah, gmail seems to have chosen a bunch of people from my contacts
already, I'm not really sure how/why.

> Some of them, in turn, might start 'Following' you.

It's more like twitter than facebook in that way; it's an asymmetrical

> This then gets into the Facebook type of etiquette problems.
> If nobody wants to 'Follow' me should I feel insulted or relieved?
> If you 'Un-follow' someone, does that make an enemy for life?  :)
> BillK

I don't have all that many enemies at the moment (that I know of), so
I'll risk it.


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