[ExI] Avatar: misanthropy in three dimensions

moulton at moulton.com moulton at moulton.com
Sat Jan 9 21:47:43 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-01-09 at 12:22 -0600, Max More wrote:
> Avatar: misanthropy in three dimensions
> http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/earticle/7895/

To me the review is fundamentally confused.  First the review mistakenly
over identifies some of the humans in the movie with humanity as a
whole.  Second the reviewer seems to be either dishonest or ignorant
when writing:
    First, the miners and their mercenaries embark upon genocide
    with no thought whatsoever, despite the fact that humanity
    has considered genocidal behaviour to be a bad thing for some
    time now. This allows Avatar to imply that man has not changed
    since the explorations and conquests of the Middle Ages.

Yes much of humanity has come to consider genocidal behavious to be a
"bad thing" however this consideration is not universal.  Remember that
in recent history there were humans who engaged in genocide in the heart
of civilized Europe just about seven decades ago.  And if the reviewer
replies "oh that was long ago" then I suggest the reviewer consider
Darfur.  And further it is simply false to say that the movie Avatar
implies "man has not changed since the explorations and conquests of the
Middle Ages."  It appears to me that the reviewer had an ax to grind and
let ideological fervor overwhelm accuracy and coherency.

For a humorous spoof I suggest at quick glance:

> -- Comments from anyone who has seen the movie? (I haven't yet.)

Yes I saw the movie and as others have commented it is visually
stunning.  The 3-D is well done and not used gratuitously.  The
animation and effects are well integrated.  If only they had devoted 10%
of the visual budget on a decent script and if they had avoided some
poorly done gimmicks in an attempt to do quick character development.  I
cringed at the cigarette scene at the beginning of the movie.  It was so
amateurish.  The big battle scene was almost a self parody.  One way to
get through the movie is to every five minutes predict in you mind the
next five minutes of the movie which is not difficult given how
formulaic the movie is.  After the movie one member of the group I was
with made the comment after listing to various criticisms: "Remember the
target audience is twelve years olds".

So I suggest seeing it in 3D for the visuals but do not expect much from
the story.

I hope this comments are helpful.


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