[ExI] Psi (no need to read this post you already knowwhatitsays )
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Sun Jan 10 17:58:32 UTC 2010
On 1/10/2010 10:17 AM, John Clark wrote:
> I think the moral is that before you develop an elaborate theory to
> explain something make sure that there is an actual phenomena that needs
> explaining. After well over a century's effort not only have Psi
> "scientists" failed to explain how it works they haven't even shown that
> it exists.
You *don't* know that, because you refuse to look at the published
evidence##, because it's not in the Journal of Recondite Physics and
Engineering. But I tend to agree that theorizing in advance of empirical
evidence is pretty pointless--and yet the usual objection to psi from
heavy duty scientists at the Journal of Recondite Physics and
Engineering is, "We don't care about your anomalies, because you don't
have a *theory* that predicts and explains them." My guess is that at
some point a new comprehensive theory of spacetime and symmetry will
emerge to account for quantum gravity, say, if the Higgs fails to
appear, and one of its elements will be the surprise finding that
certain psi functions fall out of the equations. Which is why it makes
no sense to bet on when the topic will finally be deemed publishable in
Nature or Science. You can bring in plenty of evidence of a small effect
size, but without a theory to make everyone comfortable the evidence
will be ignored.
I *suspect* the same might be true of "cold fusion." There does seem to
be quite a lot of evidence, but as yet no acceptable theory, so it's
easier to assume it's a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing. But as
I've said before, my dog isn't in that race so I don't know enough about
the form at the track.
Damien Broderick
##Here's a typical example of this sort of self-satisfied dismissal; I
quote at some length from my book OUTSIDE THE GATES OF SCIENCE:
<In September 2006 the science editor of the Times of London reported
shocked uproar created by a public session favorable to parapsychology,
run under the auspices of the British Association for the Advancement of
Science (the BA) during that nation’s “premier science festival.” The BA
festival’s organizers “were accused of lending credibility to maverick
theories on the paranormal by allowing the highly controversial research
to be aired unchallenged.” Interestingly, the outraged critics cited
were all given their titles (Dr., Professor, even Lord), while those on
the session panel, including Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (a former research
fellow of the Royal Society) and Professor Deborah Delanoy of the
University of Northampton, went without.
In light of the evidence we have considered so far, the objections
quoted seem no better than tantrums and self-confessed ignorance. ... A
delicious exchange in a subsequent BBC interview with chemist and
science writer Dr. Peter Atkins and Dr. Sheldrake makes the point even
more clearly:
Interviewer: On the other hand when [Sheldrake] produces his evidence,
he said 25% was what you would expect, but what he got was 45%, that is
Atkins: No, that’s just playing with statistics.
Interviewer: Let’s put that to Rupert. Rupert Sheldrake, he says you’re
just playing with statistics. He doesn’t believe a word of it. What do
you say to him?
Sheldrake: Well I’d like to ask him if he’s actually read the evidence?
May I ask you Professor Atkins if you’ve actually studied any of this
evidence or any other evidence?
Atkins: No, but I would be very suspicious of it.
Although participants on the panel noticed no furor, the fuss is
reminiscent of what happened in 2001 when the Royal Mail in Britain
published a special brochure to accompany their issue of special stamps
to commemorate British Nobel Prize winners. Dr. Brian Josephson, Nobel
physics laureate in 1973, took the opportunity to draw attention to
anomalies research: “Quantum theory is now being fruitfully combined
with theories of information and computation. These developments may
lead to an explanation of processes still not understood within
conventional science such as telepathy, an area where Britain is at the
forefront of research.” Nature was more amused than affronted: “But few
physicists accept that telepathy even exists, says Andrew Steane, a
quantum physicist at the University of Oxford. Robert Evans, a physicist
at the University of Bristol, says he is ‘very uneasy’ about something
from the Royal Mail saying quantum physics has something to do with
telepathy.” Josephson responded in the Observer newspaper on October 7,
The problem is that scientists critical of this research do not give
their normal careful attention to the scientific literature on the
paranormal: it is much easier instead to accept official views or views
of biased skeptics . . . Obviously the critics are unaware that in a
paper published in 1989 in a refereed physics journal, Fotini Pallikari
and I demonstrated a way in which a particular version of quantum theory
could get round the usual restrictions against the exploitation of the
telepathy-like connections in a quantum system. Another physicist
discovered the same principle independently; so far no one has pointed
out any flaws.
An academic and science correspondent for the London Sunday Telegraph,
Robert Matthews, commented sharply in November 1991: “Just consider:
there is no credible evidence that time travel has ever been achieved,
but that has not stopped serious scientists pondering ways in which it
might be. In contrast, there is now a wealth of evidence for the
existence of ESP, obtained by researchers from reputable universities on
a repeatable basis. Yet, any scientists who dare suggest ways in which
ESP might be possible can expect a heap of ordure to be tipped on their
heads by fellow academics.”
Really, the objection that conventional scientists raise against the
idea of psi is not that the evidence is deficient. Most of them have
never looked at it, carefully or at all, although many note acerbically
that they see no sign of psi disrupting the results and meter readings
in their own labs. More crucially, the motive for dismissing psi is that
the reigning theories of science (or so it’s asserted) do not leave any
room for psychic phenomena. Albert Einstein, who at times expressed an
interest in such anomalies and even wrote a preface to Upton Sinclair’s
Mental Radio, eventually rejected the topic as unscientific when he
learned that ESP failed to obey the inverse square law, falling off
sharply with distance, and therefore could not be regarded as a form of
transmission akin to radio. That was a quite remarkably limited view of
the possibilities available for scientific explanation, but then
Einstein didn’t like quantum theory, either. Indeed, in a January 2004
debate on telepathy sponsored by the Royal Society of Arts, Dr.
Sheldrake observed:
There’s no inverse square law [in psi or the quantum theory of
nonlocality]. When Einstein first realized this implication of quantum
theory, he thought quantum theory must be wrong, because if it were
right, it implied “a spooky action at a distance,” as he put it. It
turns out quantum theory is right, Einstein’s wrong and that particles
or systems that are in part of the same system, when apart, retain this
nonlocal connection . . . If quantum theory is truly fundamental, then
we may be seeing something analogous, even homologous, at the level of
organisms. Insofar as people are thinking theories of telepathy, then
this is one of the prime contenders.
In that debate, Sheldrake’s opponent, anatomy professor Lewis Wolpert,
offered the standard complaint, after first ritually denying that any
acceptable evidence can be found: “I suppose, as a scientist, it’s
slightly weird that what the people [do] who work in this field is just
to provide more examples. They make no effort whatsoever to understand
what’s going on.” Although Sheldrake replied: “There’s no shortage of
theoretical work in this area,” still the argument typically leveled
against the reality of psi by scientists is that there’s no sound theory
to support it. Raw observations are not enough. You need a powerful and
principled theory to constrain your observations, to predict in advance
what will happen reliably under exact circumstances, and, just as
importantly, what can’t happen, and why your story is better than the
other guy’s.>
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