[ExI] Outlaw Biology? Public participation in the age of biology (UCLA; Jan 29/30)
Bryan Bishop
kanzure at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 19:30:15 UTC 2010
The UCLA Center for Society and Genetics and Art/Sci present: Outlaw
Biology? Public Participation in the Age of Big Bio
29-30 Jan. 2010 at the California NanoSystems Institute (map)
Friday 4-8pm: Symposium Saturday 10am-3pm: Workshop and Exhibition
more info: http://outlawbiology.net/bio-faire-exhibition/
Tenatative List of Workshops and Exhibitions
1. Bioweathermap, Jason Bobe. With field-trips to the UCLA
Arboretum and Hammer Museum (in cooperation with Machine Project
2. Learn to Design a DNA-based nanostructure using cadnano
software, Philip Lukeman
3. Paint colorful microbes – luminescent, fluorescent, and
pigmented – on do-it-yourself solid media. With a little time and
luck, we’ll preserve the painted results in epoxy, like
microbiological paintings in amber, Mackenzie Cowell
4. SKDB: Learn to use software tools for open source manufacturing
and bioengineering, Bryan Bishop and Ben Lipkowitz
5. Use of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain ADP1 as a DIY
bioengineering platform, David Metzgar
6. Ars Synthetica: Have an informed, ethical, and open dialogue on
the emerging field of synthetic biology, Gaymon Bennett
7. Extract DNA from Strawberries, CSG Staff
8. Lactobacillus Plasmid Recovery and Visualization for fun and
profit, Meredith L. Patterson
9. DIY Webcam Microscopy. Join us for a worldwide webcam hacking
event and make your own 100x USB microscope for less than $10. We’ll
provide the webcams and a live internet feed from other workshop
locations across the world, from Bangalore to Australia. Find out more
at diybio.org/ucam
10. Velolab, See the first Bicyclized Mobile Biology lab, Sam Starr
11. Learn about FBI Outreach: Promoting Responsible Research &
Career Opportunities, Special Agent Edward You
12. Learn about LavaAmp: The Personal Thermal Cycler, Guido
Núñez-Mujica and Joseph P. Jackson III
13. The HOX Gene Zodiac project. Learn about homeobox genes, body
plans and the Chinese Zodiac, Victoria Vesna
(#4 is a lie- it will just be Ben presenting!)
- Bryan
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