[ExI] alternative gambling game, plus epsilon

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Thu Jul 1 00:03:13 UTC 2010

--- On Wed, 6/30/10, Gregory Jones <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> Adrian wrote many interesting comments.


> I wrote (later on) of how a team or non-duplication pool could get together and do this.  Good point, that just having individual buyers eliminate thier own duplicates would cause a slight anomaly to the buyers favor, from my sim,  ---* creating a very slight but marginally detectable anomaly that would look a little like weak psi. *---  
> It wouldn't be at all obvious how it was happening.  Is that cool or what?  {8-]
If it's that easy for you to deduce, it'd be on Mythbusters or similar.
A little interesting and cool, but.
> >...But, that would invite abuses (paying even less of that for
someone to process orders for you; you provide the capital that gets
> Puzzling comment Adrian.  That isn't an abuse, but rather perfectly good business practice,

Ah - that's the problem.  This would presumably be presented as an
open, honest, and fair *gambling* system, yes?  To reduce it to a
reliable business, on the part of the player, is therefore contrary
to the expressed intent, and is therefore an "abuse".

Granted, that's "presented as", and the real intent might not have
been that.

> >...Even just $1000 per payout might be useful toward this end, though.
Those who know a bit about human psychology would know there are
certain numbers that many idiots will always pick regardless - such
as 123 and 111 - and simply assign those a practically 0% chance of
> No need to put a feature in the software, for the game as proposed would never choose the favored numbers.  No sneaky code necessary.  {8-]

I said nothing about coding it. :P  Rather, pointing out that those
would never be chosen for that reason - so, the smart players would
simply not waste their money on those numbers.  (Likewise, the last
winning number would likely be something to avoid, for the reason
you stated.)

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