[ExI] The entropy of Extropy-Chat

Emlyn emlynoregan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 03:18:02 UTC 2010

2010/3/2 John Clark <jonkc at bellsouth.net>:
> On Mon, Mar 1,  BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> The main difference with the old Extropy list is that everybody got older.
> Getting older really sucks, but it beats the alternative. I've been on this
> list for 15 years but I'm far from one of the original members. From day 1
> 15 years ago when I was the resident newbe I've been hearing about how much
> better the list was back in the good old days. It's like a ninety year old
> man telling us how much happier people were during the Great Depression;
> well I can easily believe that you personally were happier, back then you
> were a lusty teenager now you're a decrepit old man.
>  John K Clark

I second that; I remember turning up on the list in the late 90s (I
think), same deal; apparently it's a shadow of its former self.

I do sometimes wonder if that attitude is somehow related to the lack
of available archives, better for rose coloured glasses and all that.


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