[ExI] Social implications of widespread extropian/positivist ideals

ddraig ddraig at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 07:24:12 UTC 2010

2010/3/6 Christopher Luebcke <cluebcke at yahoo.com>:
> No, that's a description of somebody making an excuse about why they chose
> to act the way they did.
> The pointless defense you're looking for is, "I was not, am not, and will
> never be in control of my actions." Such a person needs to be permanently
> locked away, so that the rest of us can get on with our illusion-filled,
> largely homicidal-maniac-free lives.

I am living with somebody like that right now.
Well, he has been hospitalised, but he keeps breaking out, and when he
does, yep, he does whatever he feels like as he feels he is not
responsible for his actions. This goes from making a mess, to not
paying to anything, right up to declaring the other day that

1: this year he will kill somebody, and
2: he is going to burn down a heap of churches.

It is interesting to watch his thought processes manifest themselves.

   ddraig at pobox.com irc.deoxy.org #chat
our aim is wakefulness,  our enemy is dreamless sleep

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