[ExI] Bodies

Emlyn emlynoregan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 21:56:57 UTC 2010

On 12 March 2010 01:03,  <jameschoate at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> As I thought, quality of life. That was exactly the term I was hoping you'd use.

Because you had a pre-prepared strawman argument/performance piece?

> This is demonstrative of why Transhumanist don't get it. They see the pieces but not the whole.
> First let me start with the 'spike', it isn't and never will
> be. It's a world view of Transhumanist who don't
> fundamentally understand physics or cosmology.

and then you go on to describe, instead of the Spike, a world which is
altered to beyond the ken of us mere present day mortals by rapid
technological advance, ie: the Spike; "people" know almost everything,
have nano utility fog, everything is free and they all eventually
disappear into pocket universes. So what are you trying to say here?

I liked the bombastic poetry of what you wrote, but my criticisms are
that firstly, it says nothing of the short to medium future (which is
the timescale of this thread I think), and secondly that your vision
still includes "people", which is a difficult to support assumption
when talking about a post-singular world.

Oh, and don't be so quick to write off human politics, it's more
important than you give it credit for.


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