[ExI] The Transhumanist Reader: What writing would you include?

Bryan Bishop kanzure at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 02:18:05 UTC 2010

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Max More wrote:
> Fellow extropians and fellow-traveling transhumanists:
> As has been mentioned before, Natasha, Anders, and I are working on a
> collection called The Transhumanist Reader. It is intended to be a central
> reference work on transhumanism, focusing especially (but not exclusively)
> on material from the1980s and 1990s, including work originally published in
> Extropy magazine or talks delivered at the Extro conferences. We aim to have
> the collection published by an academic publisher.
> We've had encouraging responses from invited contributors already (already
> adding up to a couple of dozen likely inclusions), but I'd like to invite
> long-term and well-read subscribers to this list to suggest pieces they
> think would be well suited to this collection. Items may be articles, blog
> posts, the text of talks, or possibly specific excerpts from books. Which
> pieces do you think are important to the formation of modern transhumanism?
> Which influenced you? Which stand out as effectively conveying some crucial
> aspect of transhumanist thinking?

Before I come up with an exhaustive list and damage my fingers beyond
repair, I was wondering what the status on the copyrights of the works
that you're looking for are? For instance, if it's going to be
published by an academic publisher, they will probably want to retain
full copyright. On the other hand, if you have convinced them to
publish under the Creative Commons or some other liberal license, you
may be able to include more works that are of interest (one that comes
to mind is excerpts from twobits.net). As you can imagine, the answer
to this question will strongly influence what can or cannot be
included. I for one would be interested in seeing if we could get some
of Kevin Kelly's writings from The Technium included, even if he is
trying to spin it off into a book of his own.

- Bryan
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