[ExI] Socialimplications ofwidespreadextropian/positivistideals.

ddraig ddraig at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 03:16:30 UTC 2010

2010/3/14 Kevin Freels <reasonerkevin at yahoo.com>:

> Why do you
> think there are so few people willing to invest in Liberia and Sierra Leone?

Yes, we had a time when there was very little oversight of the rich
and powerful, it was the Middle Ages, and it was a *really* bad time
to be poor and powerless. I think government serves a useful purpose,
it just needs to be kept under control, like anything else with the
power to affect more than a small group of people.  This may or may
not coincide with the political ideals of the rest of the people here.
That's okay.

   ddraig at pobox.com irc.deoxy.org #chat
our aim is wakefulness,  our enemy is dreamless sleep

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