[ExI] Bodies
jameschoate at austin.rr.com
jameschoate at austin.rr.com
Wed Mar 17 18:58:07 UTC 2010
---- Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc> wrote:
> The discussion on "bodies" leaves a lot to be desired. Since this is the
> Extropy list, in a world of Extropy, there are a few crucial thinking tools
> which foster the extent of a system's intelligence, information, order,
> vitality and capacity for improvement.
> http://www.extropy.org/principles.htm
It leaves out the critical parameter of 'justification' simply to do something because one can is insane. One -must- be able to answer the 'Why?' with an argument that is logical and ethically consistent. I don't see that in Extropianism as it exists now.
> On this list, to argue whether or not there will be synthetic existence is
> naïve.
That's not what was being argued. What was being argued was the degree and what the social value was of that choice. To miss such a distinction indicates a lack of attention.
> The more apt conversation ought to concern methodologies in gaining
> momentum on these processes.
That is only one side of the coin. Without the contra coup it is a sterile effort rife for abuse and misuse. To quote Jefferson again "Let history be the judge."
Besides, if this was -really- what Extropianism was about it would be focused on venture capital (eg Y Combinator, or Innocentive). There is one and only one method to gain momentum and that is to fund it.
> (I was just a panelist on "AI" at the SXSWi with http://my.sxsw.com/e/403 Doug Lenat, Bart Selman and Peter
> Stone, Mason Hale. Listening to the audience reaction (a packed conference
> room at the Hilton), it was very evident that the concept of a "Metabrain"
> (which is a vital part of Primo Posthuman
> http://www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?main=/articles/art0405.html ) was
> *applauded* by the audience.) And with the excitement came all the issue
> surrounding metabrain and the whole brain emulation upload, which share some
> identifiable links.
Too bad I missed that. However, actually living in Austin for many years and knowing the kinds of people here I'm not sure you're implication of popularity is as wholehearted as it might seem. Austin: Keep it Weird.
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Venimus, Vidimus, Dolavimus
jameschoate at austin.rr.com
james.choate at g.austincc.edu
james.choate at twcable.com
h: 512-657-1279
w: 512-845-8989
Adapt, Adopt, Improvise
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