[ExI] Self-directed Evolution and the Future of Man

estropico estropico at gmail.com
Thu May 13 17:17:49 UTC 2010

This is a real breakthrough for Italian transhumanism. For the first
time, in Italy, transhumanist topics are discussed in an academic
context in open collaboration with a transhumanist organization.

On the 11th of June, in Caserta, near Naples, a conference will take
place at the The San Leucio Belvedere Complex
(http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/549), organized by the Second
University of Naples (http://www.unina2.it/) in collaboration with the
Italian Transhumanist Network (or Network H+ www.transumanisti.org),
titled "Self-directed Evolution and the Future of Man". The speakers
are heavy-weight Italian intellectuals who have published books that
touch on self-directed evolution, human enhancement, life-extension,

The organizer and "scientific coordinator" of the event is Giancarlo
(Giovanni) Stile, assistant professor at Second University of Naples
and one of the founding members of Network H+.

Here's a leaflet (Pdf) and the Facebook page of the event:

The program (the presentations *might* get translated to English at a
later stage):

Prof. Aldo Schiavone - Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Florence and Naples
"Nature, Technology, History"

Prof. Edoardo Boncinelli - University "Vita-Salute San Raffaele" of Milan
"Biological Evolution and Cultural Evolution"

Prof. Lorenzo d’Avack - University of Rome 3
"The Power of Science Versus Human Rights"

Prof. Angelo Maria Petroni - University of Rome "La Sapienza"
"Liberalism, Biomedical Progress and Human Enhancement"


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