[ExI] Cryonics is getting weird

samantha sjatkins at mac.com
Tue May 18 21:25:26 UTC 2010

Dave Sill wrote:
> 2010/5/18 samantha <sjatkins at mac.com>:
>> Dave Sill wrote:
>> So any delay in preservation means Alcor can just refuse to do it's
>> job? I don't think so.
>> Depends on what "its job" is defined to be doesn't it?
> Sorry about the typo. Yes, it does depend. I haven't seen this man's
> Alcor contract. Have you?
>> You don't show up if
>> you contract to fight fires after the house is burned down.
> If the contract says that once notified the house is on fire that I'm
> to get there ASAP and spray water on it until it's out, then that's
> what I'll do. If the house is still burning when I get there, I'm
> gonna spray, regardless of whether it's "obvious" that the house is a
> total loss and I'm wasting my time, making a mess, and embarrassing
> the firefighting profession.
>> That brain is now useless mush.
> Almost certainly.
> Almost.
> If it was *my* almost certainly useless mush, I'd still want it preserved.
>>> We don't really know that, do we? Properly embalmed and stored in a
>>> sealed casket, it seems *possible* that sufficient structure could
>>> remain. Do you really want Alcor to just assume it's useless mush?
>> Give me a break.  Scientifically we very much do know that.
> I disagree. Do you have any evidence for your claim?
>> You can't reanimate a person whose brain has already decayed away either.
>> Precisely my point.
> And my point is that nobody knows if the brain has "decayed away"
> until it's exhumed and examined.
>> When it is utterly pointless and only gruesome is left it should.
> You presume it's utterly pointless without actually examining the
> brain. You also ignore other possible benefits of this action, such as
> discouraging other families from blocking cryopreservation, that make
> it less than pointless.
> -Dave
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