[ExI] cryonics is getting respect, was RE: Cryonics is getting weird

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed May 19 03:22:58 UTC 2010


Thanks to all for your participation in this timely and relevant discussion,
and to Max and Natasha for giving me a temporary indulgence of allowing
massive overposting on this thread.  

Please, back to our normal voluntary posting limits now, and thanks to every
participant for keeping the discussion of this important matter civil, smart
and on-topic.

Without including any names, I posted a short note over to Alcor, explaining
we had a lively discussion over here of the Richardson case, and that we
mostly concur that lessons were learned, and that what they chose to do was
the second worst thing they could have done, with the worst thing they could
have done being anything else they could have done.



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