[ExI] Cryonics is getting weird

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Wed May 19 07:39:37 UTC 2010

On 5/19/10, spike wrote:
>  Thanks Harvey.  I think we are seeing a clear consensus here.  I interpreted
>  the score as much as I could to favor any alternative other than the one I
>  chose, quad 4, yet that course of action still won with a clear 16 points
>  (at least), quad 2 with 4.5 at most, and the other two quadrants, no one
>  could really come up with a vaguely compelling argument, unless one is as
>  charitable and nice as Brent Allsop (I'm not.)

It's not surprising you are getting split results.

There are two groups present.
Those already signed up to (or supporters of) cryonics, and outsiders.

The point about bad PR is that it only affects outsiders.
Those already heavily committed to cryonics (or any organisation)
ignore bad PR and generally support their club against attacks from
the outside.

The PR for cryonics to the outside world is difficult enough.
But this episode has the world recoiling in horror at the sight of
grave-robbers digging up a putrefying body and chopping the head off.

There are times when doing what you are legally entitled to do is just
not worth it.
Other organisations than cryonics have found this out to their cost.


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