[ExI] Fusion Rocket

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 22:13:07 UTC 2010

2010/11/2 Stefano Vaj <stefano.vaj at gmail.com>

> 2010/11/2 Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com>
>> The main problem is, current fusion reactor operators consider sustaining
>> fusion
>> for a few seconds to be "long duration", and have engineered several
>> tricks to keep
>> it going that long.
> What's wrong in a pulse propulsion detonating H-bombs one after another,
> V1-style?
That didn't seem to be what was proposed here, nor is that really V1-style.

What you're talking about was once called Project Orion.  It could work, in
especially if you kept it outside the atmosphere to avoid radiation concerns
- but,
the major need for rockets today is ones that can work inside the
atmosphere, to
get people and things to orbit without riding the extreme edge of

What was illustrated here would be safe to use inside the atmosphere: no or
minimally radioactive exhaust (i.e., radiation-safe if you're far enough
away that the
heat alone won't fry you).  The problem is keeping it lit for about 10
minutes (the
typical length of time it takes to achieve orbit).
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