natasha at natasha.cc natasha at natasha.cc
Wed Nov 3 06:05:53 UTC 2010

   Poiesis need not a painting, a performance or a structure to  
embellish the process of creation.  The electical charges of the  
brain signify this process.  The many and varied outcomes,  
as presented in mediums of paint, performance and structure, care  
little, if anything, about what society considers to be the mighty  
original.  They are all spirts of thought, coalescing image and  
narrative, metaphor and symbol.  All the mightly originals are copies,  
and became copies once they left the electrical charges. 

   Personhood is the ultimately the electrical charge and the  
outcome.  All else is stuff.  And, as lovely as the original Matisse  
or Monet truly are -- and as incomparabel a printed image is next to  
the brush strokes and refraction of light across the hues, textures  
and tones or the originals (Damien is accurate in his observations);  
the former does have a distinguishable character that the later lacks.  
Alas, they all are copies.

   Nano+pershood may simply wink at its own assembleges. It is a wink  
that may make very light of a very heavy topic that has manipulated  
high art and economics for a while now.


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