[ExI] prediction for 2 November 2010
spike66 at att.net
Wed Nov 3 22:59:44 UTC 2010
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of John Grigg...
>The stupidity of American voters...
Andrew Leonard reports "By 52 percent to 19 percent, likely voters say
federal income taxes have gone up for the middle class in the past two
years." Without a hint of self-doubt, Leonard concludes that American
voters are unbearably stupid. He is the kind of guy who buys a ton of junk
at the local Walmart, pays with a credit card, notes on the way out he still
has as much cash as when he went in, then concludes that he got all this
stuff for free. He marvels at the stupidity of all those silly proles in
line dishing out actual money for their purchases, instead of just using a
credit card, like he and the other smart people do.
Clue for Andrew Leonard: if there is a deficit, taxes are actually going
up, regardless of what your current tax bill reads. Taxes went up during
the W administration. They are going up waaay faster now. Andrew, that is
what those unbearably stupid 52% are getting that you are missing.
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