[ExI] prediction for 2 November 2010
spike66 at att.net
Fri Nov 5 21:20:19 UTC 2010
From: lists1 at evil-genius.com [mailto:lists1 at evil-genius.com]
Subject: Re: [ExI] prediction for 2 November 2010
>> The stupidity of American voters...
>> Clue for Andrew Leonard: ...
>> Andrew, that is what those unbearably stupid 52% are getting that you are
missing... spike
>Note to modern liberals: a political strategy based on telling people
they're stupid is doomed to fail. And they're not stupid...unlike liberals,
they >understand that there *is* a problem, even though they don't know what
to do about it and blame the wrong things for it...
I have an idea for Andrew Leonard: start a new political party. There was a
new one formed recently in New York called "The Rent Is Too Damn High
Party." Having a name like that helps the voters sum up what the party is
about. In that spirit, I suggest Andrew Leonard for the "Voters Are
Unbearably Stupid Party." Its platform is to tell the voters that they are
unbearably stupid.
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