[ExI] Fwd: [london-hack-space] Request for knowledge: Implantable Microchips
spike66 at att.net
Sat Nov 6 16:23:07 UTC 2010
Bryan wrote:
>. I mentioned my desire to get myself microchipped. I want to be
identifiable with pet scanners, and using it to access places would be cool
as well (albeit somewhat unsuave as it'll be in the back of my neck).- Bryan
Hi Bryan,
I don't know about compatibility, but implanted microchips are the mark of
the beast:
Fortunately I have always been a fan of beasts.
One comment you made here is that the chip will go in the back of the neck.
The mark of the beast sites says they did a 1.5 million dollar research
project and found that the best places would be the back of the hand or the
forehead (as described in holy scripture donchaknow.) Without a penny of
research, I can see these would be the second and third worst places for
such a device (for men anyways.)
That being said, I would think a far better place or a microchip would be
the earlobe. There are no muscles nearby, no tendons, no contact with a
pillow, no risk of it wandering off and lodging in your damn brain
somewhere. Furthermore people already abuse that particular body part for
no particular reason other than some misguided fashion notions. Far be it
from me to criticize misguided fashion notions, but this looks to me like a
far better place for a subcutaneous chip, ja?
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