[ExI] Fwd: [london-hack-space] Request for knowledge: Implantable Microchips

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 16:47:44 UTC 2010

2010/11/6 spike <spike66 at att.net>

> One comment you made here is that the chip will go in the back of the
> neck.  The mark of the beast sites says they did a 1.5 million dollar
> research project and found that the best places would be the back of the
> hand or the forehead (as described in holy scripture donchaknow.)  Without a
> penny of research, I can see these would be the second and third worst
> places for such a device (for men anyways.)
I can see the forehead, but why is the back of the hand a bad place?  Just
visible bump (since there's not that much flesh between the handbones and
skin there)?

>  That being said, I would think a far better place or a microchip would be
> the earlobe.  There are no muscles nearby, no tendons, no contact with a
> pillow,

Maybe for you, but I've grown used to sleeping with my head turned sideways
(so I
can have another pillow atop my head to block out noise), so it would
contact pillow there.
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