[ExI] Fusion Rocket

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Sun Nov 7 20:33:53 UTC 2010

2010/11/7 Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com>

> Fundamentally: if it's allowed once, for anyone, it'll be allowed
> indefinite times.
> There is ample reason to believe that there won't be any worldwide limits
> on the
> number of launches.  (For one, if only 5 launches per year would be safe,
> who
> decides who will get to do those 5 - and what happens when someone launches
> a sixth?)
> People may oppose it on those grounds - but that may be surmountable,
> especially
> if no one else will have the ability to do this before you plan to have no
> further need
> of it.

Sure. But they could be, and are, opposing oil burning on the same grounds.

Stefano Vaj
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