[ExI] Could youse guys help me find a Scientific American cartoon?
Jeff Davis
jrd1415 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 22:11:59 UTC 2010
I'm trying to find a cartoon that appeared in Scientific American
about ten years ago. I thought it was in the Sept 2001 issue, but I
have a copy of that issue, and I can't find it there. I tried
contacting SciAm, but they don't respond.
The cartoon depicts a stairway proceeding from lower left to upper
right It is the evolutionary stairway. Three "individuals" are
climbing the stairs: a lemur-like critter lower left, then a hairy,
knuckle-dragging proto-human cave man, and finally in the upper right
a "modern" human. The caption has the lemur saying to the cave man,
"I wondered when he'd notice there were more steps." Suggesting of
course that evolution is not through with the human "line",
fundamental thinking for list members.
I want to enlarge that cartoon and make a T-shirt out of it. Person
who finds it for me gets a free T-shirt.
Best, Jeff Davis
"You are what you think."
Jeff Davis
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