[ExI] Could youse guys help me find a Scientific American cartoon?
pharos at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 23:53:41 UTC 2010
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 10:11 PM, Jeff Davis wrote:
> I'm trying to find a cartoon that appeared in Scientific American
> about ten years ago. I thought it was in the Sept 2001 issue, but I
> have a copy of that issue, and I can't find it there. I tried
> contacting SciAm, but they don't respond.
> The cartoon depicts a stairway proceeding from lower left to upper
> right It is the evolutionary stairway. Three "individuals" are
> climbing the stairs: a lemur-like critter lower left, then a hairy,
> knuckle-dragging proto-human cave man, and finally in the upper right
> a "modern" human. The caption has the lemur saying to the cave man,
> "I wondered when he'd notice there were more steps." Suggesting of
> course that evolution is not through with the human "line",
> fundamental thinking for list members.
> I want to enlarge that cartoon and make a T-shirt out of it. Person
> who finds it for me gets a free T-shirt.
Good news & bad news.
I've found the cartoon, but it's copyrighted.
Radical Evolution
The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies -- and What
It Means to Be Human
By Joel Garreau
Joel Garreau: At the beginning of "Radical Evolution," there is a New
Yorker cartoon I bought the rights to. It shows a staircase. on the
first step is a little monkey. on the next, a bigger one, on the next,
a cro magnon, and on the next, a guy in a suit. the caption has the
cro-magnon saying to the suit:
"i was wondering when you'd notice there's lots more steps."
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