[ExI] Eliezer S. Yudkowsky, Singularitarian Principles. Update?

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Nov 13 00:11:46 UTC 2010

.. On Behalf Of Richard Loosemore
Eliezer obviously thinks that he is the chosen one, but whereas you are
coming right out and declaring that you are the one, he would never be so
dumb as to actually say "Hey, everyone, bow down to me, because I
*am* the singularity!".  He may be an irrational, Randian asshole, but he is
not that stupid...Richard Loosemore

Richard I get a strong feeling I understand why you ended up getting banned
on SL4.

Regarding Singularity Utopia, I would go this route.  SU, take everything
you have written about the singularity, imagine it is 1935 and substitute
nuclear fission for singularity.  How wonderful it will all be, nuclear
fission will provide us all with power too cheap to meter, everything will
be wonderful, I *AM* nuclear fission, now everyone give me your plutonium
235 and I will put it all together in one mass and show you this marvelous
substance makes heat, here I will show you my calculations that show how
wonderful it will be...


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