[ExI] Nulla contro lo Stato

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 23:23:48 UTC 2010

2010/11/29 spike wrote:
> In return, the passengers sign away any right to sue the airlines
> regardless, for if they agree to go into that company’s airplane, they
> becoming the fucking property of that airline from the time they enter the
> gate until they leave on the other end.  Perhaps that particular adjective
> for the noun property might be taken two ways, but the point is there is a
> solution here which should satisfy everyone who bitches about this new
> system forced on us by the fact that clearly there are now *plenty* of
> people on this planet who want to commit mass murder, just for the sake of
> pleasing their favorite deity.

You're missing the point, Spike. The jihadists don't particularly want
to commit mass murder, although they don't mind if they do. Collateral
damage is the term the US army uses when they kill civilians. It is an
economic war to destroy the US financial system. Look at the billions
spent in Iraq and Afghanistan. And the billions wasted on the TSA and


In his October 2004 address to the American people, bin Laden noted
that the 9/11 attacks cost al Qaeda only a fraction of the damage
inflicted upon the United States. "Al Qaeda spent $500,000 on the
event," he said, "while America in the incident and its aftermath lost
-- according to the lowest estimates -- more than $500 billion,
meaning that every dollar of al Qaeda defeated a million dollars."

The point is clear: Security is expensive, and driving up costs is one
way jihadists can wear down Western economies. The writer encourages
the United States "not to spare millions of dollars to protect these
targets" by increasing the number of guards, searching all who enter
those places, and even preventing flying objects from approaching the
targets. "Tell them that the life of the American citizen is in danger
and that his life is more significant than billions of dollars," he
wrote. "Hand in hand, we will be with you until you are bankrupt and
your economy collapses."



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