[ExI] TransVision 2010: Final program, LAST DAY to register

Giulio Prisco giulio at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 08:51:58 UTC 2010

TransVision 2010: Final program, LAST DAY to register

TransVision 2010 will start tomorrow Friday October 22 at the Hotel
dei Cavalieri in Milan at 3pm local time.

We have published the final version of the conference program, updated
with new abstracts by speakers including Max More, Graziano Cecchini,
David Orban, Roberto Marchesini, Natasha Vita-More and, of course,
Stefano Vaj and Riccardo Campa of the Italian Transhumanist

Note that TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to register for the conference.
REGISTER NOW to reserve your place.
Registration will continue at the desk until the conference hall is full.

Those who have registered to participate remotely in the TVirtual
online extension of TransVision 2010, hosted by the teleXLR8 project
based on the Teleplace online telepresence platform, will be able to
watch all talks in realtime, and interact with speakers and other
participants. Please see the instructions for TVirtual participants.
To register for TVirtual, choose "TVirtual ticket, 3 days" in the
registration page http://transvision2010.wordpress.com/registration/

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