[ExI] bug in outloading notion

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Oct 24 17:05:44 UTC 2010


>...On Behalf Of Mike Dougherty
> Subject: Re: [ExI] bug in outloading notion
> On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 3:35 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> > The question is whether it is theoretically possible for software, by 
> > some mysterious means, to influence bacteria to manipulate chemical 
> > substances, and can they create covalent bonds, and do they need to, 
> > if ionic bonds will do?  (Don't know)^3.
> This is all i could think about in answer to this question 
> http://www.google.com/#q=dna+origami
> I saw a TED talk on it and wondered why I'm spending my time 
> on such unimportant nonsense when such cool stuff is being done.

Ja thanks Mike, this is wicked cool.  I haven't seen this, so I claim to
have thought of it independently, this past week.  In living organisms, DNA
folds itself in a specific predictable way.  Even though I personally don't
see how the heck it does that, DNA calmly does it anyway, without my
permission or my understanding.

My reasoning goes thus: if DNA folds predictably, then it should be
controllable by some means, as demonstrated by every earthly life form.  If
the carbon double helix can both carry information and create structures, as
demonstrated by your DNA origami site, then in principle DNA can be the raw
materials from which to build a nanoreplicator.  Or if you want to think of
it this way, nature already uses DNA to both carry information and to build
beasts.  If an emergent AI reads all our online text, then makes some
mind-boggling extrapolation (boggles our minds, not theirs), they or it may
discover how to use the bacteria stowing away aboard every satellite to make
nanoreplicators.  If so, these nanoreplicators would chew off and convert
unneeded structure on the satellite to make computronium, thin enough to act
as light sails, and outload from there.



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