[ExI] Quantum Homeopathy?
scerir at alice.it
Tue Oct 26 12:38:17 UTC 2010
> This seems to be a continuation of the Jacques Benveniste controversy,
> which started with a "Nature" paper in 1988:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Benveniste
> Stathis Papaioannou
there are several speculative papers about that. since these authors are
not usual BS writers (i.e. Preparata was a top theorist at Cern) it is
possible that it is not just BS.
- E. Del Giudice, G. Preparata, “Coherent Dynamics in water as a possible Explanation of
Biological Physics", J. of Biol. Physics, B9,20, 105-115 (1994)
- R. Arani, I. Bono, E. Del Giudice, G. Preparata, “QED Coherence and the Thermodynamics
water”. International Journal of Modern Physics 139,1813,1841 (1995)
- M.N. Zhadin, V.V. Novikov, F.S. Barnes, N.F. Pergola, “Combined action of static and
alternatine magnetic fields on ionic current in a queous glutamic, acid solution”
Bioelectromagnetics 19, 41-45 (1998)
- E. Del Giudice, G. Preparata, M. Fleischmann, “Qed coherence and electrolyte solutions”
Journal of Electroanalitical Chemistry 482, 110-116 (2000)
- E. Del Giudice, M. Fleischmann, G. Preparata, G. Talpo, “On the unreosonable effects of
ELF magnetic fieds upon a system of ions”. Bioelectromagnetics 23, 522-530 (2002)
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