[ExI] san jose tech museum's take on the singularity

Darren Greer darren.greer3 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 02:29:22 UTC 2010

Breaking the Law

Progress has limits; electricity can't go
faster than the speed of light, for example.
Moore predicts that digital innovations
will soon slow.  Others, however, foresee a
*singularity*, when rapid technological shifts
make the world unpredictable.

I'd say that rapid technological shifts are already making the world
unpredictable. In a post-singularity world technology might not longer be in
our hands, and therefore out of our control entirely.  But it seems the
statement, as vapid as it is, is logically consistent. Out of our control
would make it unpredictable. Though it seems a little understated to me. Of
course, I didn't get the concept at first (and probably still don't fully
grasp it.) Maybe it was written for liberal arts majors like me?

Speaking of that, thanks to feeling like a scientific kindergarten student
here I've registered for physics, math and chemistry classes at a local
university. Thanks for that. I'll likely be cursing you all come mid-terms


2010/9/26 spike <spike66 at att.net>

>  ...
> > I was surprised that this had gone as mainstream as it
> > appears.  So now the question for Bryan and the other younger
> > set: is there in your opinion a general awareness of the
> > singularity... spike
> I took my son to the San Jose Tech Museum today.  There is a display room
> about progress in computing, with a panel on Moore's law.  I was surprised
> to see this comment:
> In case the photo doesn't come thru, it says:
> [end]
> I found it interesting that they reference the singularity without seeing
> the need to explain in detail what it is.  They say it is when technological
> shifts make the world unpredictable, but with no reference to emergent AI or
> really any supporting text or references.
> I am not sure what to make of it, but a museum is about as mainstream as it
> gets.
> Comments please?
> spike
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