[ExI] PaleoCRON?

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 16:49:23 UTC 2011

On 27 April 2011 15:11, Jones Murphy <morphy at alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
> It's not clear to me what you're wondering? You agree that CR confers
> long-term benefits for short-term costs, but wonder what exactly?

- I am pretty convinced that CRON, or even mere CR, confers notable
both short- and long-term benefits to people subject to a
post-neolithic mass dietary style. In other words, opulence
dramatically increased the damages thereof, and this is especially
blatant amongst those people you after surviving millennia of relative
starvation have now a 50% rate of diabetes.

- I am much less sure, but try to keep an open mind, with regard to
possible longevity benefits from a CR cutting on the food intake which
would otherwise assumed by a healthy individual whose metabolism and
nutritional inclinations are not altered by tolerance/addiction (or
stress) mechanisms.

- Even if such benefits do exist, I would be very reluctant to pursue
them if I had to pay (or beyond the level where I would have to pay) a
price not just in terms of quality of life, but in my, actual or
potential, physical or intellectual or sensorial present performances
in any conceivable field.

Of course, if the alleged benefits of CR derived from some trivial
metabolic "trick" which could be piloted, emulated and obtained
without having to pay the relative costs, this would be the path to
go. If such benefits arised simply from the fact that by living
slower, o less, you live longer, I frankly would not count them as
such a great bargain.

Stefano Vaj

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