[ExI] A crowd-sourced, Ajax-powered, and simple to modify speculative timeline of the future of technology

John Grigg possiblepaths2050 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 09:50:31 UTC 2011

Anders wrote:
> Agreed. I am mostly curious about whether it would be possible to see the
> probability distributions people assign to these possibilities.
> Not that we are any good at predicting the future. But it is amusing to see
> things like "cash is outlawed" for 2029, when there is indeed a current
> debate in Sweden about removing it from stores.

I found many of the predictions wayyyyyyy off in terms of being far
too soon or far too late.  I felt like it was an exercise in
intellectual horse shoes! lol  But still, the project is great food
for thought, and I hope Anders, that you will contribute to it.  I
feel I should write that the Singularity will happen in 2045, to
protect the honor of the transhumanist saint, Ray Kurzweil!  : )


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