[ExI] mit's answer to the stanford ai class

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed Dec 21 14:32:52 UTC 2011

I was interested in Stanford's AI online class as much for the innovative
learning model as for the class content.  Of course MIT would have some kind
of response:




The Stanford experiment was a critical breakthrough in education.  Once
enough people try out an online course, they will develop that kind of
learning as a skill set in itself.  That breaks the entire classical model
of education as an exercise in getting to a class at a specific time,
listening to one guy talk to a group of people, taking notes, studying for a
test on a specific day, etc.  It eliminates the very difficult and
uncomfortable move into a dormitory on a crowded and dangerous campus away
from one's home.  All that can be made far more flexible and cheaper, it can
be dissociated with the minor league football franchises that the mainstream
American colleges have become, it reduces education costs dramatically and
creates a domino-effect of changes that will take years to see.






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