[ExI] simulation as an improvement over reality.
Eugen Leitl
eugen at leitl.org
Sun Jan 2 10:39:32 UTC 2011
On Sun, Jan 02, 2011 at 01:38:17AM -0800, The Avantguardian wrote:
> I am not saying that there is something "missing" from the copy. I am saying
> that both the original and the copies will have unique reference frames. These
No, because then they would cease to be original and the copy.
> reference frames will be physical in the sense that they will sweep out distinct
> world lines in space-time, and mental in the sense that their brains will
Space is not labeled.
> perceive/construct a map or model of the world with their particular instance of
> self at the origin of a comoving reference frame. Call it the autocentric sense,
Then they bifurcate, and become two people. Because, you get it, then
they would be distinguishable.
> if you will, since it is the perception that ones consciousness lies at the
> center of the universe.
Where is the center of universe? You measure your position using
instruments relatively to other objects. In case of synchronized
copies such measurements MUST ALWAYS PRODUCE THE SAME RESULT.
As long as you people are stuck in muddled thinking you will not
make progress. This is easy, why have so many people have such
troubles to get it?
Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 http://www.ativel.com http://postbiota.org
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