[ExI] youtube channel of the feral human who shot up the political rally in arizona

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Sun Jan 9 03:23:42 UTC 2011

Spike wrote:

>Best wishes for a full recovery to Rep. Giffords and the other 
>injured bystanders.

While this shouldn't have happened to anyone, and Giffords seems
like quite a decent person, I've had the tv coverage on non-stop
since it happened. I think that since her husband is shuttle
commander and her brother-in-law is current ISS commander, it
feels like family.

The latest detail is surreal: KOLD-TV (Tucson) is reporting that the
little girl that was killed, Christina Taylor Green, was born on
9/11/2001, and was featured in the book Faces of Hope: Babies
Born on 9/11. <http://www.amazon.com/dp/0757300979>

-- David.

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