[ExI] mass transit again
Max More
max at maxmore.com
Thu Jan 20 23:34:31 UTC 2011
My problem with public transit is that I'm definitely not someone who
travels light. Even just going to work daily (now that I commute), I
carry a laptop, a heavy bag of... stuff, and often a third bag. If I
need to go grocery shopping (which I do several times per week to keep
fresh fruit and veggies in stock), my load is even greater. Public
transit doesn't solve that problem.
It's also less than ideal if you have to carry lots of things in
locations that have either lots of rain or high temperatures. (I moved
from Austin, TX, which was often in the 90s with significant humidty,
to Phoenix, AZ which frequently warms to over 100 degrees, sometimes
much higher.)
What about some clever combination of public and private transport? I
vaguely remember a design (from MIT?) for a system that would let you
drive your own car onto a palette, which would them be transported
with other cars on an elevated rail-like system to major destinations,
after which you simply drive away to your specific destination.
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