[ExI] 'The Immortalization Commission: Science and the Strange Quest to Cheat Death'
scerir at alice.it
Sun Jan 23 19:04:02 UTC 2011
'The Immortalization Commission: Science and the Strange Quest to Cheat Death',
by John Gray, Allen Lane, RRP £18.99, 288 pages
In the review, by Stephen Cave (who is writing a book about immortality for Random House),
one can also read ....
'The first part of the book, however, is not dedicated to the techno-utopians but to those
whom Gray considers their intellectual predecessors: the worthy figures who together led
the Society for Psychical Research, the London-based learned society founded in 1882 to
examine the paranormal. Its members included the cream of Edwardian society, such as the
Cambridge philosophy professor Henry Sidgwick, the co-discoverer of evolution Alfred
Russel Wallace, prime minister Arthur Balfour and the poet WB Yeats.'
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