[ExI] 'The Immortalization Commission: Science and the Strange Quest to Cheat Death'
Samantha Atkins
sjatkins at mac.com
Sun Jan 23 21:42:57 UTC 2011
On Jan 23, 2011, at 11:04 AM, scerir wrote:
> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/02d318c8-24e8-11e0-895d-00144feab49a.html
> 'The Immortalization Commission: Science and the Strange Quest to Cheat Death',
> by John Gray, Allen Lane, RRP £18.99, 288 pages
> In the review, by Stephen Cave (who is writing a book about immortality for Random House),
> one can also read ....
> 'The first part of the book, however, is not dedicated to the techno-utopians but to those whom Gray considers their intellectual predecessors: the worthy figures who together led the Society for Psychical Research, the London-based learned society founded in 1882 to examine the paranormal. Its members included the cream of Edwardian society, such as the Cambridge philosophy professor Henry Sidgwick, the co-discoverer of evolution Alfred Russel Wallace, prime minister Arthur Balfour and the poet WB Yeats.'
Are we really in such blighted times that something as obviously desirable as ending aging is called "utopian" and compared to taking all aspects of the "paranormal" seriously?
- s
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