[ExI] rugged individualists
pharos at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 14:19:37 UTC 2011
2011/7/15 Dan wrote:
> If you're playing at the level, you not only get dodges, but big fat
> subsidies and should you be really big the government will adjust the
> macroeconomics (Fed policy) to suit your needs.
> But it's not just the fabulously wealthy who benefit here. The poor often
> pay more in taxes to support all sorts of middle class stuff. E.g., public
> colleges. Really poor people don't go to college or go as often, as a group.
> Middle class people do. Sure, they get taxed, but so does the poor slob. So,
> the middle class person's kid goes to a public college with a government
> loan to become the manager of a company where the poor person's kid cleans
> the toilet. Yes, the middle class is being destroyed...
Your comment about the middle class is a few years out of date.
The housing slump and unemployment has hit the middle class really hard.
Most of those now living in cars used to be middle class.
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