[ExI] Human Enhancement & Life Extension: Alchemists of thefuture
Mike Dougherty
msd001 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 23:01:03 UTC 2011
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 11:16 PM, Natasha Vita-More <natasha at natasha.cc> wrote:
> Mike Dougherty wrote:
> creativity, empathy, and integrity (components of wisdom). So, I would say
> "... into a wiser state of being."
I agree. Though merely wiser is hardly enough. I'm not sure what
word has the proper nuance.
> I'm not sure because chemistry is the mechanics of the brain and if the goal
> is whole brain emulation, then chemistry play a key role. Also, if
> perceptual experiences are necessary (along with agency) for transferring
> personhood, then the chemical interactions - the chemistry of
> life/interaction/emotions/communication would be essential for persons'
> memories and identity. (I'm sure some AGIist will argue with me, but I won't
> budge on this because it is not all in the brain (unless we are radical
> constructivists) and as I see it wisdom is largely based on experience,
> choice, and iteration.
Absolutely. In my original quote I was talking about the distinction
between alchemy and chemistry when they once overlapped and later
alchemy was discredited. Sure chemistry came out as a winner for the
specific domain whose rules it governs. The more mystical bits of
alchemy could have given rise to psychology or sociology or political
science. Especially useful would be a science of politics/governance
that encompasses psychology and sociology. I imagine the unified
field theory equivalent of human motivation and capability would be
what Hermann Hesse was describing (or hinting towards) in The Glass
Bead Game.
How much can the results of experience choice and iteration be shared?
Will the collective be greater than the sum of the parts or will each
member still have to suffer through ignorance to gain
primary/firsthand experience? Can the novelty of the young infuse the
collective with élan vital or will they become immediately old upon
communion with the Methuselah(s) already in the hive?
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