[ExI] Collaborative map of transhumanists worldwide

Jules Wellinghoff jwelling at oberlin.edu
Mon Jun 6 16:09:39 UTC 2011

> Please join the map, don't be shy!
> http://www.acceleratingfuture.com/michael/blog/2011/06/map/
> http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&source=embed&msa=0&msid=209539885845342747759.0004a4c305aafb16d95bc&ll=39.909736,-42.890625&spn=169.144782,272.109375&z=1
> --
> Michael A.

Michael, the idea of having a map like this seems cool to me. However,
is the idea to encourage local collaborations on things? If so, I
think it would be very useful if people were encouraged to include an
email address when they mark their location on the map. That way,
people would be able to contact people who live near them. A couple
people seem to have had this idea when they added their location, but
most people didn't give a means to contact them. As it currently is, I
feel like the map isn't that useful.

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