[ExI] Efficiency of algorithmic trading

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon May 2 15:28:36 UTC 2011



. On Behalf Of Mr Jones
Subject: Re: [ExI] Efficiency of algorithmic trading


On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 3:45 AM, Kelly Anderson:

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. 


>.I don't think the rich would be destroyed by having only 5 houses instead
of 10.  Or 10 cars instead of 20.  Or 3 servants, instead of 10.  .


Right you are.  The rich wouldn't be destroyed, but the other seven servants
would be, by unemployment.  


Their families would be destroyed by despair, hunger and alcoholism, which
seems to hang around unemployment like an odor.  What of the home builders
of the other five homes, and the car builders of the other 10 cars?  And
their families?  The DMV wouldn't be destroyed, but neither would they
collect their fees on the other idle cars.  Tragic is this, for those cars
would bring money to the state coffers while not be adding any additional
wear on the roads or traffic because they are sitting still and quiet in a
massive garage somewhere with one of the otherwise unemployed seven servants
cheerfully waxing and maintaining it.


Rich people are our friends.  They help us all, even if indirectly.








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